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 Healing by connection

There is much more to life than many of us generally get the opportunity to embrace, as we are usually so ‘locked in’ with the structures that human society has created that we are not afforded any time to understand who we are on a spiritual level, and find time to explore that and do what we came to this time and space to do… to expand and grow our soul through experience. 

To know who we are, how we work in this reality and why we are here, and how the whole energetic system of the Universe works… is an essential knowledge at this current stage of humanity and the vibrational state of the planet earth.

For many of us living on this rock, hurtling through space at 66,000 miles per hour, at this time, comes with the feeling that something is ‘off,’ something seems like it has ‘past its sell by date,’… the way of the world, all of its beauty and wonder aside, feels lacking in many ways and humanity is becoming restless with the status quo. There is talk of a shift from a 3D reality to a 5D reality, and in many respects, this resonates with people and makes a sort of sense.

I believe we yearn primarily, for knowledge that will quieten the inner hum of fear that seems to almost imperceptibly bubble like the water in a heating pan in the background of so many of us. This fear, in truth, is really more of a ‘discomfort’ of being out of sync with ‘who we really are.’ We have lost sight of the light within us and our souls and spirit are dampened by the illusionary requirements of the mind and flesh.

My seeking led me to an understanding. An understanding of why we came to this band of energy, this existence, this time and space reality, this ‘illusion.’ An understanding of who we were (and still are) before we arrived. An understanding of the aims of coming here, an understanding of our 'Soul Contract’ if you like, and an understanding of what is ‘up there’ and why we ended up ‘down here’ in the first place. I came to understand that the world we see, and experience is a direct reflection of the energetic signatures that we put out. So, in short, a better world experience requires a better energetic signature. 

We are complex biological entities and come with little ‘bot programmes’ going by the ‘file names’ of ego, subconscious, biological chemistry, hormones, intellect and many small, seemingly innocuous, ‘drivers’ that colour and shape the way we proceed and progress through this ‘heavy soup’ of matter. A collection of orchestra conductors that makes the task of getting everything in tune, not only daunting, but tough. It is tough being human and a good place to start is to embrace that.

What can we do?

In short… raise our vibration.

How can we do that?

Understand why it may be running low in the first place and understand how we can rev it up.

Where is the best place to start?


I believe that we have 3 main drivers that underpin our ‘systems’ and it is the settings of those 3 main drivers that dictate how we see and experience our own personal reality.

1) Inability to trust

2) Fear of separation and abandonment

3) Low self-esteem

What we need to do is ‘turn the dials down’ to a more manageable level, so we can in turn raise our vibrations and change our lives…

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